

Oh my goodness, I don’t know how mid-May has arrived here so suddenly!  With two teenagers heavily involved in school activities, my own busier than usual schedule, and the added tasks associated with having a room completely redecorated, the calendar has escaped me!

Time has marched quickstep in the gardens as well.  What was dull and brown just a month ago is now bright, fresh, and colorful!012Alyssum ‘Basket of Gold’ is one of the stars in the rock garden, combining stunningly with bright pink Creeping Phlox and large clumps of Candytuft:015055

The lasagna garden has been eye-catching for the past couple of weeks. 004
Hellebore ‘Pink Frost’ started the show up there, and was followed by a few varieties of daffodils.  The earlier varieties have shriveled, but there is still a patch of Narcissus ‘Quail’ in full bloom:Narcissus 'Minnow'You can see one of two Brunnera ‘Jack Frost’ plants behind ‘Quail’.  The other is nearer the front of the garden, and I am pleased that I can actually see its cloud of delicate blue flower clusters way back from my kitchen window!Brunnera 'Jack Frost'Brunnera 'Jack Frost'The Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart was at its best a few days ago, but still has a few branches of bright blossoms:031Here is Lamium ‘Beacon Silver’, blooming earlier and much more prolifically than it did last year:040Lamium 'Beacon Silver'The Ajuga, transplanted from my lawn, has also spread well, forming little carpets of blue-violet  in the left corner of the bed.  Some of its spires are six inches high!029
052I’m really pleased with the progress in this bed, now in its second spring.  Thank you to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for giving me and garden bloggers all over the world the opportunity to share the best of our blooms on the 15th of each month for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!